Industry-leading software for adaptive manikins that predict temperatures and physiological metrics for effectiveness and safety.

Simulate Any Level of Activity

ManikinPC (Manikin Physiology Control and Predictive Comfort) software accurately models the human thermoregulatory system and provides sensation and comfort metrics. The software permits variable activity levels that simulate human metabolism while sleeping, resting, working, or exercising. Any level of activity can be input, and ManikinPC will impose appropriate metabolic wattages onto the manikin. 

Adaptive Manikins Simulate Human Responses

The combination of a thermal manikin with a human thermoregulation computer model is known as an adaptive manikin, which can act as a human test subject surrogate. This technology can help you bridge the gap between virtual simulation and physical testing. ManikinPC computes a simulated human's thermal state and includes real-time prediction of core-temperature, shivering rate, perspiration rate, and average skin temperature. These metrics are critical indicators of personal protective equipment's effectiveness and safety. Using this data, you can predict safe work exposure durations in extreme conditions, high workloads, or simulate medical applications. You can use ManikinPC to estimate human thermal sensation and comfort for various garment and environmental scenarios.

Manikins Measure Dynamic Environments

Manikin PC is available for Newton and ANDI manikins manufactured by Thermetrics. These manikins deliver comprehensive feedback on the environment and will also allow you to create repeatable test protocols. Manikins can measure dynamic environments, such as passenger compartments, or help you assess how your customers will perceive their environment. 

See What ManikinPC Can Do

To learn more about how to revamp your simulation and test protocols, please reach out to us. We will help you shorten production times and receive reliable results for your human thermal predictions.  


Getting Started

Let's Talk

If you would like to learn more about ManikinPC and how it can provide you with an actionable design direction, reach out! We will demonstrate how it will fit your specific requirements and help you understand what you will need to begin simulating your designs with humans in mind. 

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