Accurately model plumes and transient thermal effects for signature prediction

MuSES Plume Modeling: Bringing Exhaust Plumes to Life

Don't underestimate the heat! Exhaust plumes can significantly alter a target's thermal signature, making it easier to detect. MuSES Plume Modeling tackles this challenge head-on, delivering accurate and realistic plume renditions for reliable signature prediction.

Why Plume Modeling Matters:

Imagine a stealthy ship gliding through the night. Its sleek hull blends seamlessly with the ocean waters, but a telltale plume of hot exhaust betrays its presence. Ignoring this plume in the signature analysis could lead to costly underestimations and compromised missions.

MuSES to the Rescue:

MuSES transforms temperature and gas concentration data from external CFD simulations into a visually stunning and physically accurate plume rendition. This plume is integrated into the scene, providing a complete picture of the target's thermal signature. By accounting for the plume's heat and size, MuSES eliminates the risk of underestimating target signatures. This leads to more informed decision-making and improved operational effectiveness. 

Under The Hood

MuSESTM seamlessly imports temperature and gas species concentration data from external CFD simulations, ensuring real-world accuracy. Convective surface heating from plume impingement can be accounted for during the transient thermal solution. Advanced ray tracing techniques pinpoint the plume's exact intersections with the sensor's line of sight, guaranteeing precise radiance calculations. CO2, H2O, and Carbon Soot are currently supported, and the library will be expanded in future releases.

The Benefits of MuSES Plume Modeling

  • Enhanced Situational Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of target signatures for improved detection and tracking.
  • Reduced Risk of Underestimation: Make informed decisions based on accurate and complete thermal signature data.
  • Optimized Countermeasures: Develop effective countermeasures by accurately simulating plume behavior and impact.

MuSESTM Plume Modeling is a game-changer for anyone needing to assess and understand thermal signatures accurately. By bringing exhaust plumes to life, MuSES empowers informed decision-making and enhances operational effectiveness.

Areas of Expertise

MuSES Summary 2024

Industry-Leading Signature Management

MuSESTM (Multi-Service Electro-Optic Signature) is an industry-leading signature management software that provides complete thermal modeling and infrared signature prediction capabilities. MuSESTM allows you to simulate any environment or condition and generate accurate EO/IR signature predictions. It provides many powerful features allowing you to model vehicles, aircraft plumes, ship wakes, humans, atmospheric effects, and more.

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signature and infrared military tank zsu rendering with environment background

ThermoAnalytics has supported the defense industry for over two decades with expertise, software, and engineering services.

As the global leader in EO/IR simulation, we provide low observables design and the technology to virtually assess target-background contrast anywhere on earth. Electro-optics and infrared signature are extensively employed for target acquisition and guidance systems. However, the target itself is only part of the radiance solution; our technologies include the effectiveness of background source radiance, solar loads, even diffuse sky radiance. By developing software-based in physics, we bring EO/IR reality into focus.

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Targets observed from space platform

Producing large datasets of accurate, photorealistic EO/IR images for training, machine learning, signature management optimization, testing, & evaluation. ThermoAnalytics develops physics-based radiometric MuSESTM models and generates 2D and 3D EO/IR datasets with sensor-specific characteristics.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam ut viverra ex. Sed id erat a velit scelerisque eleifend eget lacinia nunc. In nisl magna, tempor sed luctus nec, sagittis at arcu. Curabitur placerat nulla urna, sit amet fringilla velit venenatis a. Pellentesque metus erat, dapibus vel tempus vitae, commodo quis felis.

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