Advanced Graphics

A new Advanced Graphics engine provides you with an improved performance alongside an enhanced look and feel. View thermal results in the post-processor and utilize the new Perspective View option to create more realistic-looking images.

A Fixed Frame Rate option has also been added to optimize performance for large models.

User Script Enhancements

This release includes several upgrades to the Python interpreter. We’ve added some new Python modules to allow users to utilize more Python functionality. The additional modules are NumPy, Pandas, SciPy, and FmPy. A few new API functions have also been added to further increase scripting and automation capabilities.

Solver Enhancements

A new multi-grid convergence option, ‘Scaled Residual’, has been added to improve model stability and convergence speed.

Optimizations made to the view factor calculation algorithm provide a 10-40% reduction in calculation time for many large models.

Batch / Server Mode Enhancements

Additional command line options are now available when executing TAITherm using “Server mode” from CoTherm.  Among the newly supported interactive batch mode commands are -runreport, -runviewfactors, and -exportbc.  This enhancement further streamlines automated simulation processes.